Printed Hardback

Customise the outside of your book with a glossy printed cover. Includes your title on the spine for easy identification.


The hardback cover on this photobook prevents dog-ears and damage building up over time which means it's ideal for physically storing the family albums for years to come.

The glossy printed cover can be customised with a range of different templates and in any colour too.

       Pages: 20 - 150
       Max. Photos: 1,350
       Weight: Approx. 230g
       Dimensions: 200mm x 150mm
       Binding: Perfect-bound with end-papers
       Cover: 2.9mm board, with spine
      Cover Finish: Hardback cover finished with a glossy printed photo
       Paper Finish: Mild gloss
       Print Resolution: 2400dpi digital toner

  Extra Pages

You can upgrade this product by adding additional pages. Simply tap the upgrade button at the bottom of the print layout.


Choose from hundreds of different colour schemes to give your photobook a personal touch with just two taps.